Database Design, 7e

ISBN: 978-1-948426-00-8 | Copyright 2019



Mannino provides a foundation to understand database technology supporting enterprise computing concerns. As a new student of database management, you first need to understand fundamental concepts of database management and the relational data model. Then you need to master skills in query formulation, database design, and database application development. This textbook provides tools to help you understand relational databases and acquire skills to solve basic and advanced problems in query formulation, data modeling, normalization, data requirements for business applications, and customization of database applications.

    After establishing these skills, you are ready to study the organizational context, role of database specialists, and the processing environments in which databases are used. Students will learn about decision-making needs, accountability requirements, organization structures, business architectures, and roles of database specialists associated with databases and database technology. For environments, this textbook presents fundamental database technologies in each processing environment and relates these technologies to new advances in electronic commerce and business intelligence.

You will learn vocabulary, architectures, and design issues of database technology that provide a background for advanced study of enterprise information systems, electronic commerce applications, and business intelligence.

The seventh edition makes substantial revisions to the sixth edition while preserving the proven pedagogy developed in the first sixth editions. Experience gained from instruction of university students and online learners along with feedback from adopters of the earlier editions has led to the development of new material and refinements to existing material. A five-course specialization developed for the Coursera platform in 2016 provided the impetus for substantial new material in the seventh edition about data warehouses.

The most significant changes in the seventh edition are a substantial expansion of data warehouse material and new  coverage of NoSQL database technology and features. Many organizations focus on business intelligence to gain competitive advantage, manage risks, and connect with customers. Data warehouse technology and practices provide a foundation for business intelligence in many organizations.

The seventh edition expands, updates, and reorganizes data warehouse material from two to four chapters. The seventh edition contains substantial new material about management of data warehouse development, data warehouses in major industries, the schema integration process, a mini case study about data warehouse design, SQL statements for data integration, data integration tools, SQL extensions for analytic queries, the Microsoft Multidimensional Expressions language, pivot table tools, and a business strategy game for managing development of data warehouses. Besides new material, the seventh edition substantially updates existing material in the sixth edition such as indicating the market decline of data warehouse appliances.

Organizations continue to face challenging demands from big data applications involving batch processing of large volumes of semi-structured data and online processing of intense levels of transactions. NoSQL database technology provides a foundation to deal with these big data applications in a growing number of organizations.

The seventh edition contains substantial new material on NoSQL database technology about column-oriented storage, big data parallel processing architectures, and in-memory transaction processing. Both NoSQL DBMSs and enterprise relational DBMSs support these technologies. To understand explosive growth in NoSQL database DBMSs, the seventh edition  provides an overview about features and data models in NoSQL DBMSs as well as detailed coverage of the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and the N1QL query language in Couchbase Server, a leading NoSQL DBMS.

Besides the expanded coverage of data warehouses and NoSQL database technology, the seventh edition provides numerous refinements to existing material based on classroom experience. Chapters 4 to 11 contain new examples in response to difficulties students had with textbook gaps. The seventh edition makes substantial revisions to coverage of data modeling tools, query formulation guidelines, normalization processes, and trigger coding guidelines. In addition, refinements and updates to most chapters have improved the presentation and currency of the material.

For database application development, the seventh edition covers SQL:2016, an evolutionary change from previous SQL standard versions (SQL:1999 to SQL:2011). The seventh edition explains the scope of SQL:2016, the difficulty of conformance with the standard, and new elements of the standard. Numerous refinements of details about database application development extend the proven coverage of the first sixth editions: query formulation guidelines, query formulation errors, count method for division problems, query formulation steps for hierarchal forms and reports, common errors in queries for forms, trigger formulation guidelines, and transaction design guidelines.

For database administration and processing environments, the seventh edition provides expanded coverage of NoSQL technology. The most significant new topics are columnstore indexes, in-memory transaction processing, and parallel processing architectures for big data applications.

In addition to new material and refinements to existing material, the seventh edition extends chapter supplements. The seventh edition contains new end-of-chapter questions and problems in most chapters. New material in the textbook’s website includes detailed tutorials about Microsoft Access 2016, Visio Professional 2010, and Aqua Data Studio, assignments for first and second database courses, and sample exams.

The software tutorials for Microsoft Access, Visio Professional, and Aqua Data Studio support concepts presented in textbook chapters 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10. To make room for new material, the seventh edition eliminates two chapters from the sixth edition. The seventh edition contains two chapters of new material about data warehouses. New material about NoSQL technology replaces outdated material about object-oriented databases. To remove bloat, the seventh edition eliminates chapters covering a form-based approach for database design and a case study about database design. The course website contains these chapters for continuity with the sixth edition.

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Table of Contents + Preface (pg. i)
Part One - Introduction to Database Environments (pg. 1)
Chapter 1 Introduction to Database Management (pg. 3)
Chapter 2 Introduction to Database Development (pg. 25)
Part Two - Understanding Relational Databases (pg. 45)
Chapter 3 The Relational Data Model (pg. 47)
Chapter 4 Query Formulation with SQL (pg. 77)
Part Three - Data Modeling (pg. 141)
Chapter 5 Understanding Entity Relationship Diagrams (pg. 143)
Chapter 6 Developing Data Models for Business Databases (pg. 179)
Part Four Relational Database Design (pg. 233)
Chapter 7 Normalization Concepts and Processes (pg. 235)
Chapter 8 Physical Database Design (pg. 267)
Part Five - Application Development with Relational Databases (pg. 319)
Chapter 9 Advanced Query Formulation with SQL (pg. 321)
Chapter 10 Application Development with Views (pg. 375)
Chapter 11 Stored Procedures and Triggers (pg. 415)
Part Six - Data Warehouse Processing (pg. 477)
Chapter 12 Data Warehouse Concepts and Management (pg. 479)
Chapter 13 Conceptual Design of Data Warehouses (pg. 509)
Chapter 14 Data Integration Concepts and Practices (pg. 549)
Chapter 15 Query Formulation for Data Warehouses (pg. 585)
Part Seven - Managing Database Environments (pg. 641)
Chapter 16 Data and Database Administration (pg. 643)
Chapter 17 Transaction Management (pg. 681)
Chapter 18 Client-Server Processing, Parallel Database Processing, and Distributed Databases (pg. 725)
Chapter 19 DBMS Extensions for Object and NoSQL Databases (pg. 767)
Bibliography (pg. 829)
Index (pg. 833)
Appendix 7A
Last Updated: Sep 18 2018
Appendix 9A 9B 9C
Last Updated: Sep 18 2018
Appendix 10A 10B 10C
Last Updated: Sep 18 2018
Appendix 13A 13B
Last Updated: Sep 18 2018
Appendix 14A 14B
Last Updated: Sep 18 2018
Appendix 16A
Last Updated: Sep 18 2018
Appendix 17A
Last Updated: Sep 18 2018
Appendix 19A
Last Updated: Sep 18 2018
Access Lab
Last Updated: Jan 6 2019
Student Databases
Last Updated: Jan 6 2019
Chapter Examples
Last Updated: Jan 6 2019
Appendix 3A 3B 3C
Last Updated: Apr 2 2020
Appendix 4A 4B
Last Updated: Apr 2 2020
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