Systems, Strategies, and Practices

by Blanchard, Thacker

ISBN: 978-0-9988140-6-3 | Copyright 2019

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Table of Contents & Preface (pg. i)
Chapter 1 Training in Organizations (pg. 1)
Chapter 2 Aligning Training with Strategy (pg. 31)
Chapter 3 Learning, Motivation, and Performance (pg. 67)
Chapter 4 Needs Analysis (pg. 107)
Chapter 5 Training Design (pg. 171)
Chapter 6 Traditional Training Methods (pg. 235)
Chapter 7 Electronic Training Methods (pg. 297)
Chapter 8 Development, Implementation, and Transfer of Training (pg. 331)
Chapter 9 Evaluation of Training (pg. 375)
Chapter 10 Employee and Management Development (pg. 429)
Chapter 11 Key Areas and the Future of Organizational Training (pg. 473)
Glossary (pg. 521)
Index (pg. 533)

P. Nick Blanchard

P. Nick Blanchard Nick completed his undergraduate studies in psychology at UCLA, his master’s degree in psychology at San Diego State University, and his doctorate in industrial/organizational and social psychology at Wayne State University. He is currently a professor emeritus with the College of Business at Eastern Michigan University, where he has also served as dean, associate dean, and head of the management department. His writings appear in both scholarly and applied publications, including International Journal of Training and Development, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Journal of Managerial Psychology, and Basic and Applied Social Psychology. His earlier books in training are Toward a More Organizationally Effective Training Strategy and Practice and Effective Training (coauthored with Dr. Thacker). Dr. Blanchard has also served as consultant and trainer to many organizations including Bethlehem Steel, Chrysler Corporation, Domtar Gypsum, Ford Motor Company, and Navistar in the private sector and the cities of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti and the State of Michigan Department of Transportation in the sector public.

James W. Thacker

James W. Thacker Jim received an undergraduate degree in psychology from the University of Winnipeg in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and his doctorate in industrial and organizational psychology from Wayne State University. He is currently professor emeritus at the University of Windsor’s Odette School of Business following his retirement in 2007, after 25 years of teaching, publishing, and otherwise doing his part for the greater good. His research has been published in both academic journals (Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Academy of Management Journal) and practitioner journals (Journal of Managerial Psychology and The Human Resource Consultation: An International Journal). He coauthored the first Canadian edition of Managing Human Resources with Wayne Cascio, published in 1994, and, with Nick Blanchard coauthored each edition of Effective Training: Systems, Strategies, and Practices.

Jim has been a consultant and trainer in the private sector (Ameritech, Ford, Hiram Walker’s, Navistar, H.J. Heinz, and Honda Canada) and public sector (Revenue Canada, CanAm Friendship Center, and City of Windsor). Before obtaining his doctorate, Jim has worked for a gas utility as a tradesman and served as vice president of his local union (Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers) for a number of years. This firsthand experience as a tradesman and union official, combined with his consulting and academic credentials, provides Jim with a unique combination of perspectives and skills.

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